Technical supportOutsourcing services

The service of outsourcing of network and IT infrastructures consists in a relationship when a customer's organization delegates to an outsourcing company all or any of its network and IT infrastructure management authorities and functions. The idea of outsourcing is based on optimization and concentration of a company on the core business owing to delegation of some secondary support processes and divisions to external service organizations.

Such service is provided to consumers in need of higher availability and continuity of services of their network and IT infrastructures and lower costs for purchase and operation of specialized software and hardware, as well as for maintenance of own qualified staff.

Services of online monitoring and control of the customer's network infrastructure can be provided in addition to standard and proactive technical support services.

The knowledge, technical and staff resources, as well as the company's experience enable to ensure, through online monitoring and control of equipment and services of the customer's network, a contractual degree of service quality, infrastructure operation availability and continuity levels. We share with a customer the responsibility for optimal use of the utilized software and hardware environment. This service includes standard and advanced proactive support plus provides for monitoring, control, and performance of the envisaged routine activities (daily, weekly, etc.).

The effect from such service is ensured by the accumulated experience and technical expertise of the company and secured and regulated by the business processes specified in an SLA between the two parties.